Welcome to Sunday School!
Sadly, our Sunday School stopped during COVID, but we would love to bring Sunday School back. If you are interested, please contact us.
Former sessions included:
UNIT 1: Dive Deeper Into…the Season of Lent
Session 1: Sharing Communion (The Last Supper)
Session 2: Prayer (Jesus in Prayer)
Session 3: Suffering (Jesus’ Betrayal, Arrest, and Trial)
Session 4: Death (Jesus’ Death)
UNIT 2: Dive Deeper Into…the Easter Season
Session 5: Resurrection (Jesus’ Resurrection)
Session 6: Encountering Jesus (The Road to Emmaus)
Session 7: Trust (Jesus and the Disciples)
Session 8: Waiting (The Ascension)
Session 9: The Holy Spirit (Pentecost)
UNIT 3: Dive Deeper Into…the Book of Acts
Session 10: Everyone Contributing (The Seven Deacons)
Session 11: Conversion (Paul’s Conversion)
Session 12: Proclaiming (Paul and Barnabas)
Session 13: Staying the Course (Paul and Silas in Prison)
The teacher for our younger children, Pat Young, is using the Presbyterian curriculum "Growing in Grace and Gratitude." You can discover more about those lessons here: http://www.growinggracegratitude.org/
The team also invites you to become part of this wholistic effort. See yourself as a teacher/learner, and look for ways to engage. If you want suggestions, speak to any one of us!
"Let the little children come to me, and stop keeping them away, because the kingdom from heaven belongs to people like these." Matthew 19:14