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Share The Care™ Ministry

ShareTheCare™ Ministry was designed to guide the formation and coordination of supportive teams to prevent burnout of an individual caring for a loved one.  Our church has adapted the model for coordinating caregiving that engages a team to care for an entire community. 


The First Presbyterian Church of Forest Hills began implementing ShareTheCare (STC) during a time when our church was between pastors.  We saw this as a resource to guide us in organizing ourselves to provide self-care, in the absence of pastoral leadership.  It has worked quite well. 


In 2016 the Care Crew continued daily outreach to members and friends.  We convened as a team quarterly to organize in response to current needs and to visit with our friends at the Forest View Nursing Center. 


One Sunday after worship in early October, 25 members came together to envision the future of our ministry.  Three weeks later we continued the exploration with Dennis Redmond from the Queens Community House.  We clarified the strengths of our caregiving ministry and surfaced ideas and passion to guide our future work.  Questions we are living together include: 

  • How might we connect with the Community House and houses of worship to spread our model?

  • What could we do as an interfaith community?

  • What are ways to make our ministry and our church family more visible?

  • What are the needs of the community and how do we find out how the church can be of help?

  • How can we learn more about other cultures so our outreach activities are appropriate?


Special thanks to those who organized our quarterly visits to Forest View Nursing Center – to Lois DeLong and David Barnett for lovingly selecting music and producing songbooks with puzzles and games, as gifts for the Forest View residents; to Bruno Razafindrakoto and John Biswas for their lively accompaniment on piano and guitar; to Karen Steidl and Nadina Grants for creating festive sock “cupcake” gifts that delighted the residents at Christmas. 


For your ongoing visits, check-ins and varied supports of members and friends, special thanks to Alba Ardila, Avril Miller, Delores Key, Ingrid Anthony, Irene Balram, Martha Knight, Herndon Lackey, Michelle Loeb and David Yurick.  In particular, I’ve been especially happy to hear from Avril about the beautiful relationship she has formed through her weekly visits to assist Grace Kumar in her home.  


Many thanks to all who are contributing as we share God’s love and as we listen for God’s guidance to discern what more we can be and do together. 


Melinda Lackey

For Share The Care

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